2019 Conference Program (PDF)
Theresa Jones, Chief of Achievement and Accountability, Baltimore City Public Schools, Maryland
Welcoming guest to Baltimore for the Pathways to Adult Success Conference, sharing City Schools’ vision for student success and some key steps being taken to achieve it within Baltimore’s 80,000 student urban district.
~ City Schools and Pathways to Adult Success (PDF)
Martinrex Kedzioara, Superintendent, Moreno Valley Unified School District, California
~ Our Journey: All Means All (PDF)
Tina Fernandez, CEO and President, Achieve Atlanta, Georgia
Sharing her learnings from collaboration and equity initiatives to support students from diverses backgrounds moving forward into postsecondary success, Fernandez drew on personal experienes in the Rio Grande Valley, law background, and commitment to the Atlanta Public Schools’ high-minority, high-poverty student population of 54,000.
Hunter Gehlbach, Vice Dean, Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Maryland
An innovative thinker in using data to build student-teacher relationships and student postsecodary navigation, Gehlbach officially welcomed PAS participants and discussed collaborations.
Tim Renick, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success, Georgia State University, Georgia
Renick shared ten-year thinking and strategies underlying Georgia State’s remarkable and intentional success in achieving equity in graduation outcomes for minority and Pell-grant students, while also posing next steps and responding to questions. Georgia State draws many of its 50,000 students from a large and diverse metro area.
~ Eliminating Equity Gaps Through Data and Institutional Change (PDF)
Colt Gill, Director of the Oregon Department of Education, and Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, Oregon
~ Pathways to Adult Success in Oregon (PDF)
October 22, 2019 – 10:00 a.m.
Advancing All Students: Building School Districts K-12 and Beyond Early Warning Systems
~ Warning to Winning: One District’s Approach to Success for All Students (PDF)
~ Gresham-Barlow School District Early Warning Systems 2.0 (PDF)
Frances Dumas-Hines, Director of Performance Management, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, IN; Catherine Minihan, Associate Superintendent of Strategy and Accountability, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, IN; Carla Gay, Executive Director of Innovation and Partnerships, Gresham-Barlow School District, OR
Follow this link to access the video that Carla Gay presented at the end of the presentation.
Navigation Supports for All: Key Transitions: The Chicago Story
Over the past decade Chicago has experienced large gains in high school graduation and postsecondary participation rates. Hear from the University of Chicago Consortium of School Research and the Network for College Success on key factors behind these gains and the role that can be played by research and implementation support organizations in supporting them. Facilitated by Jenny Nagaoka and Christopher Mazzeo
~ Navigation Supports for Key Transitions: The Chicago Story (PDF)
Jenny Nagaoka, Deputy Director, UChicago Consortium for School Research, IL; Sarah Howard-Ivey, Senior Director, Partner School Network, Network for College Success, The University of Chicago, IL; Kareem Sayegh, National Student Success Manager, Network for College Success, The University of Chicago, IL
Working Together: Collaborations and Networks: PAS Recommendations, and University/Community College and District Partnerships
Targeted university, college, and school collaborations: how to make them happen and how to use them for youth success. Representatives of three higher education institutions from across the country discuss exemplars of collaborations with local school districts to support student transitions – their beginnings, activities, evolution and development, structure and direction, and vision for the future. Presenters will also share the hurdles, opportunities, and bumps in the road on the way to achieving cross-sector collaborations and outcomes for youth. Facilitated by Joanna H. Fox
Sylvia Symonds, Associate Vice president of Educational Outreach, Arizona State University, AZ; Ryan Goodwin, Director, University of Central Florida for Higher Education Innovation, FL; David Thomas, Associate Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Community College of Philadelphia, PA; Joanna H. Fox, Deputy Director, Everyone Graduates Center, MD
Getting Started and Keeping Moving: Creating a K-12 and Higher Education Collaborative to Build a Pipeline for Student Success
Leaders of south Alabama educational institutions positioned around Mobile Bay share what they have learned in assembling a collaboration for student success from their previously isolated efforts. What does it take to initiate a collaborative – what are the building blocks? How long does it take to get started and then, how much more time to see results? How are leadership and trust built? What are the benefits? A group of interconnected educators who have known each other for much of their professional lives put their heads together to ask, how do we do better? Facilitated by John Green
~ Creating a K-12 and Higher Education Collaborative to Build a Pipeline for Student Success (PDF)
Faron Hollinger, President and CEO, The Akribos Group, AL; Joyce Woodburn, Academic Dean, Baldwin County Public School System, AL; Catherine Preston, Director, Academic Advising and Transfer Services, University of South Alabama, AL; Melinda Byrd-Murphy, Dean of External Funding and Instructional Services at Coastal Alabama Community College, AL; Jill Howell, Founder, N2College Consulting, AL
October 22, 2019 – 11:15 a.m.
Advancing All Students: EWS 2.0 Workgroup Recommendations
EWS 2.0 Workgroup Recommendations: Over a two-year period, early adopters of early warning and on-track systems for high school graduation came together to think through how these systems could be adopted and extended, to increase not only high school graduation rates, but also college readiness and persistence rates for all students, including those who historically and currently are not afforded this opportunity. In this session, resulting recommendations for EWS 2.0 (its indicators, analysis, and actions, as well as the key roles of school leadership and teacher teams) will be shared. A presentation from the San Jose Unified School District on its work to increase access and success in AP courses as part of a larger effort to increase college success for all will provide a case study, followed by responses from organizations using predictive indicators of postsecondary success to guide their work. Facilitated by Robert Balfanz
~ Keeping Students on Track to Postsecondary Success (PDF)
~ San Jose Unified School District AP/IB Enrollment & Success (PDF)
Robert Balfanz, Director, Everyone Graduates Center, MD; Monique Gagnon, Administrator, Research and Evaluation, San Jose Unified School District, CA; Respondent: Eli Pristoop, Senior Program Officer, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WA
Navigation Supports for All: Building a Robust System of Student Support Across Transitions
Leaders from two districts and situations will focus on “the how” of helping upper-grades high school students in the transition from high school to college and careers, with carefully tuned, well thought out, and unrelenting support systems that nag and nurture. Strong systems of coaches and guidance characterize both efforts. The districts represented are Atlanta Public Schools, GA (54,000 students, largely African American and high-poverty), and Uplift Education, a public charter school network in the Dallas, TX area (20,000 students, largely Latinx and high-poverty). Facilitated by Joanna H. Fox
~ Uplift Transition Support Model (PDF)
~ Achieve Atlanta Overview (PDF)
Susanne Diggs-Wilborn, Vice-President, Achieve Atlanta, GA; Remy Washington, Managing Director, Uplift Education, TX; Daniel Gray, Senior Director of Road to College and Career, Uplift Education, TX
Working Together: Collaborations & Networks: Organizing Communities to Build Pathways to Prosperity
Organizing Communities to Build Pathways to Prosperity: Jobs for the Future (JFF) from Boston joined four Midwestern communities in the Great Lakes Collaborative to implement the Pathways to Prosperity framework and bring together leaders in K-12, higher education, business/industry, and government to develop and implement rigorous career pathways leading to high-wage, high-demand jobs with opportunities for further education. In this session, we will hear from JFF and their university and community colleagues in Madison, WI, about what they achieved, the enabling steps in cross-sector collaborations, and lessons learned from which others can benefit. Facilitated by Michael Grady
~ A Clearer Path to College and Career Success: The Madison Story (PDF)
Michael Grady, Education Consultant, RI; Leah Moschella, Associate Director for Pathways to Prosperity Network, Jobs for the Future, MA; Bridgett Willey, Director, Allied Health Education Career Pathways, University of Wisconsin Health, WI, Hugh Wing, Community Development Specialist, City of Madison, WI
Getting Started and Keeping Moving: A Countywide Effort in Georgia to build PAS
Douglas County Public Schools, Georgia. The superintendent and a team of top administrators in a 27,000-student diverse district east of Atlanta, share what it takes to start a county education collaborative – and why this matters for kids. This once rural, increasingly suburban part of Georgia has long recognized that education and economic development go hand in hand. Rooted in the local and regional ethos, this session will work through the question “How can we accomplish our vision for the students?” ideas. Facilitated by Sarah Frazelle
~ Welcome to the Douglas County School System (PDF)
Trent North, Superintendent, Douglas County School System, GA; Michelle Ruble, Assistant Superintendent of General Administration, Douglas County School System, GA; Pam Nail, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Douglas County School System, GA; Melanie Manley, Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement, Douglas County School System, GA; Melanie McClellan, Director, Carrollton-Carroll County Education Collaborative, University of West Georgia, GA
October 22, 2019 – 1:20 p.m.
Data Systems and Use: Considerations for Developing Your own System
Data system developer Eric Meredith (MT), Robin DeLoach (OR), and Ellis Ott (AK) share their experiences in developing flexible early warning systems based on stakeholder needs. Join us to learn about key decision points and considerations in developing a system from a state, district, and intermediary organization perspective. We will also discuss how to build and maintain support for the system within your context. Implications from this session can be applied to building an EWS that moves beyond the traditional ABCs. Facilitated by Sarah Frazelle
~ Early Warning Systems and Interventions (PDF)
~ Early Warning Systems: A How-To Navigation Guide for Educators and Practitioners (PDF)
~ Oregon Data Suite: Your Roadmap to Student Success (PDF)
~ Montana Early Warning System for Dropouts (PDF)
Eric Meredith, Network Intelligence Analyst, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, MT; Robin DeLoach, Project Director, Willamette Education Service District, OR; Ellis Ott, Senior Research Analyst, Research and Accountability, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, AK; Shawn Hendrickson, Principal, St. Ignatius Middle/High School, MT
Navigation Support for All: Starting in the Middle Grades
If our young folks don’t know why or where they are going, how can we expect them to be motivated to get there? This panel will spur the audience in considering best middle year practices in expanding experience and exposure as the basis for youngsters self-determination, management, motivation and course setting in critical developmental years. Facilitated by Joanna H. Fox
Ericka Uskali, Executive Director, National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Achievement, IL; Mike Sabin, Principal, McDevitt Middle School, MA; Virgil Sheppard, National School Partnerships Director, City Year, PA; Heather Lewis-Weber, Program Director, Spark, PA
Working Together: Collaborations and Networks: CORE and New Visions: What We Are Learning
In this session, two nationally renowned collaboratives – California’s CORE Districts and New York’s New Visions for Public Schools – each working in geographic areas with more than 1.1 million students, and focused on analyzing, understanding, and sharing data with school and district partners to increase student success in challenging high school courses and improving the success rates of underserved students in postsecondary schooling and workplace trainings, share what works, what doesn’t, future directions, and considerations in scaling effective practices through collaborative efforts and networks to large populations. Facilitated by Angela Romans
~ Collaboration at Scale: Postsecondary Planning Across School & Sector (PDF)
Noah Bookman, Executive Director, Executive Director for CORE Data Collaborative, CORE Districts, CA; Jeremy Greenfield, Deputy Director for College Readiness, New Visions for Public Schools, NY; Angel Zheng, Senior Policy Analyst, New Visions for Public Schools, NY
Getting Started and Keeping Moving: An Educational Collaborative in Riverside County, California
California’s 1000+ school districts are organized into 58 local county offices of education now charged with helping their districts allocate this increased per pupil funding available in schools with high risk populations. The Riverside County Office of Education, located East of Los Angeles, serves as an intermediary organization that has spurred education innovation for many years. In this session, county education leaders share navigation steps they have promoted across students’ aspirations and progress. Facilitated by Kathleen Barfield
~ Which Model Would You Use (PDF)
~ Blank Fishbone (PDF)
~ Blank Driver Diagram (PDF)
~ RCEC Driver Diagram (PDF)
~ RCEC V2 Driver Diagram (PDF)
Catalina Cifuentes, Executive Director, Riverside County Office of Education, CA; Mike Barney, Executive Director Instructional Services, Riverside County Office of Education, CA; Gil Compton, Director I, College and Career Readiness, Riverside County Office of Education, CA; Martinrex Kedziora, Superintendent, Moreno Valley Unified School District, CA
October 23, 2019 – 10:00 a.m.
Advancing All Students: State and District EWS Innovations over the Long Term
Building Pathways to Adult Success for all students does not happen overnight, or even over several years. It requires persistence and continual improvement, extension, and often modification of innovations and actions over a sustained period. The Massachusetts Department of Education, Metropolitan Nashville, and the Philadelphia Education Fund have experienced this at the state, district, and intermediary organization levels. All were pioneer adopters of Early Warning Systems and have built on this over time to substantially increase the number of students prepared and on the path to postsecondary success. Presenters will share lessons learned and insights gained along the way. Facilitated by Robert Balfanz
~ Early Warning Systems Over the Long Term (PDF)
~ PAS: Presentation of the Philadelphia Education Fund (PDF)
~ Massachusettes EWIS: Reflections on Building a Statewide System (PDF)
Laura Hansen, Director, Information Management and Decision Support, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, TN; Tina Stenson, Director of Research, Assessment and Evaluation, Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, TN; Kate Sandel, Senior Policy Analyst, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, MA; Farah Jimenez, President and CEO, Philadelphia Education Fund, PA
Data Systems and Use: Recommendations in Data System Development from the Field
Practitioners from the field will share their experiences building and implementing data systems. Some key considerations include: identifying data based indicators, building champions within a district, considerations for rural and urban systems, and decision points around contracting with a vendor and building the system internally. Facilitated by Sarah Frazelle
~ Recommendations from the Data Working Group (PDF)
Xan Tanner, Co-Founder and President, Panorama Education, MA; Monique Gagnon, Administrator, Research and Evaluation, San Jose Unified School District, CA; Jeff Watson, Senior Advisor, AEM Corporation, WI
Working Together: Collaborations and Networks: Advance Career Technical Education: Connecting High Schools, Higher Education and Employers
The role of Advance CTE (Career Technical Education) in Expanding Youth Horizons and Preparing Students for Life: Innovative educators highlight innovative programming that fosters gender and social equity in preparing young adults with life, technical, and thinking skills, and their applications in high-demand economic sectors well beyond the categories of “traditional academic” or outdated “vocational” high schools. Dive into a contemporary perspective on the role CTE plays in preparing youth for the future. Facilitated by Austin Estes
Austin Estes, Senior Policy Associate, Advance CTE, MD; Tiara Booker-Dwyer, Assistant State Superintendent for Career and College Readiness, Leadership Development, and School Improvement, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) ; James Stockdale, Academy Coordinator, Knight High School, CA; Eric Williams, Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Technology, Jones County Junior College, MS
Getting Started And Keeping Moving: Rural and District Networks
Rural and District Networks Building and Sustaining Ideas and Progress. Networks of school districts that share ideas and capitalize on each other’s learning are flourishing across the country. In this session, experienced and newer networks share insights from their varied perspectives on supporting rural students: Kentucky districts where an intermediary organization brilliantly capitalized on successive eras of federal funding to advance Appalachian students’ success; an initiative in Ohio undergirded by the American institute of Research; and a Harvard Graduate School of Education-supported effort in Ohio and New York. Rural districts educate approximately one quarter of the youth in our country. How can their effectiveness be maximized? Facilitated by Joanna H. Fox
~ Partners for Education Appalachian Network (PDF)
~ Building an Early Warning System Network (PDF)
~ Building and Sustaining Networks (PDF)
Dreama Gentry, Executive Director, Partners for Education at Berea College, KY; Bi Vuong, Managing Director, Education Practice at Project Evident, NY; Amy Szymanski, Secondary Transition and Workforce Development Consultant, Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children, OH; Jenny Scala, Principal Researcher, American Institute for Research (AIR), National High School Center, CA
October 23, 2019 – 12:40 p.m.
Data Systems and Use: Sharing Data to Build Collaboratives
~ Data Sharing for Collaborations (PDF)
Sarah Frazelle, Senior Advisor, Applied Data Use, Education Northwest, OR; John Schiappa, Product Manager, Student Tracker for High School, National Student Clearinghouse, VA; Virgil Sheppard, National School Partnerships Director, City Year, MA; Will Scarbrough, Vice President, Impact Analytics, City Year, MA
Navigation Supports for All: School and Intermediary Innovations
Keith White, Director of Research and Effectiveness, Assessment and Evaluation, Public Education Fund (PEF), TN; Nicholas Siler, The Howard School, TN
Getting Started and Keeping moving: A Public-Private Partnership – Memphis and Peer Power
~ A Public-Private Partnership (PDF)
Tom Nenon, Provost of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Memphis, TN; Angela Whitelaw, Deputy Superintendent of Schools and Academic Support, Shelby County Schools, TN; Christopher Xa, Chief Research Officer, Peer Power Foundation, TN; Dennis Ring, Development Director, Peer Power Foundation, TN; Marygrace Hemme, Director of Academic Initiative and Training, Peer Power Foundation, TN