Overarching purpose of the workgroups is to respond to the question:

“What are the human and technical challenges to – and opportunities for – the development, use, and scaling of a next generation of indicator and response systems aimed at increasing post-secondary persistence and success for all students? How shall these be addressed?”

Overarching desired outcomes and products of the workgroups:

The workgroups will make recommendations to the initiative for developing a framework organizing the next generation of effective student success indicator and response systems. The framework will bring consistency and quality control to the emerging field by codifying effective practices and lessons learned from existing users and the research base, so that new users can base their efforts on shared definitions and accurate understandings. Workgroups and staff will curate implementation tools, resources, and a glossary for the next generation of indicator and response systems aimed at increasing both high school graduation and college and career access and persistence.

Framing Questions


  • What kinds of college readiness and workforce indicators do educators feel they need?
  • What kinds of social-emotional indicators do educators feel they need?
  • What kinds of indicators do educators need in the elementary grades?

Start out focusing on just one set of indicators – either college readiness or SEL: 

  • For each indicator, why do they feel it is needed, and how will they use it?
    ~ For assessing students’ progress in areas other than academic performance?
    ~ For diagnosing reasons for low performance on the ABCs and responding appropriately?
    ~ For adding to the prediction of educational attainment, beyond the ABCs?
    ~ For helping teachers think about their classroom practice in different ways?

Are there existing indicators that capture the areas where there are gaps?

  • If not, how could such an indicator be developed?
    ~ Are there existing databases that could be leveraged?
    ~ Are there informal assessments that could be made with teacher training, rather than formal measurement?
  • If so, what is the strength of the evidence about the usefulness of the indicator?
    ~ How accurate is the indicator as a measure?
    ~ How strong are the observed relationships with educational attainment or the ABCs?
    ~ Are the indicators known to be malleable?
    ~ What are effective classroom or school approaches to improve students’ scores on the indicator?
    ~ Would educators have easy access to the indicator to use for assessing change?

Expanding Indicators:

  • How would the new indicators interact with accountability systems?
  • How would the new indicators complement existing ABC indicator systems?
  • What are the trade-offs from the benefits of adding the additional indicators, and the problems that could come from making the system more complex?

Follow this link to download the PDF of the Workgroup Framing Questions.

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